Moser Real Estate Service

Over 30 years of market expertise in Frankfurt

Frankfurt: 069 - 711 608 61 | Mobile: 0172 - 67 20 182 |

Voluntary Guarantee Statement

I/we hereby accept from the owner that of my daughter/son:
rented apartment in the
in a voluntary manner, the directly enforceable, irrevocable and indefinite guarantee on "first request" for the obligations incumbent under this rental agreement.

Economic information about the guarantors (occupation, net income, documented by current certificates of earnings, letters from the tax office for self-employed persons)

Write them down with full first and last names.

The date of the guarantee is automatically generated by the sending date of the guarantee form.

We are a member of

Ulrike Moser - Moser Immobilien Service

Max-Beckmann-Strasse 15
60599 Frankfurt am Main

phone069 / 711 608 - 61
Fax.069 / 711 608 - 62